Thursday, October 01, 2009

Philip & the States

Philip received a book about the states for his Birthday and immediately took interest in learning what it was about. A short time later, he had all 50 states pretty much memorized. Here he is reciting them:

We have to go now to help Philip get ready for the spelling bee.


Michelle Carney said...

Wow Anna- that is awesome! What is that book? Grace is obsessed with knowing the states on the weather- I bet she would love that!

Anna said...

Oh my goodness! He just keeps getting cuter and cuter and smarter and smarter! I am amazed at his knowledge! thanks for sharing this cute video!

Anna said...

Michelle - it is just one of those books you find in the dollar bins at Target. Philip got it for his birthday from a friend and is obsessed with it! He also likes the weather channel!