Saturday, October 24, 2009

Zoo Boo (with video)

The Montgomery Zoo holds an annual Halloween festival. We thought Philip would enjoy it, so with our Zoo membership cards in hand, which got us a 50% discount on admission, we departed.

There were lots of fun games for Philip to try. Here he is trying to throw a ring onto a witch's hat.

A rubber duck game...

A candy walk game...

There was a giant cookie there. Philip tried to take a bite, and they threatened to kick us out...

They even had Philip's favorite...A BOUNCE HOUSE.


We went on a fun hay ride, complete with 'spookables' as Philip calls them. Philip believes that it is proper to hold some hay in your hand whilst hay riding.

Mommy told Philip that the haunted train ride would be much spookier than the hay ride. Philip decided that it wouldn't be a good idea to put Mommy and Daddy through something so scary.

Instead, Philip decided to put on a show for the Zoo Boo attendees...

Since a family out in Colorado stole our boy in balloon idea, perhaps Philip's out-of-season carroling is the way to achieve the American Dream (that is to get our own family-based reality tv show).

It was a good time. We went home with a lot of treats and prizes...including this...

Too much fun!

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