Friday, February 17, 2012

Valentine's Day 2012

My 2 little valentine's!

Happy Valentine's Day!

Philip's Valentine's Party - 2012

Philip had his Valentine's party at school on Tuesday.
They had lunch and played some fun games.

For one of the games, they tried to pick up conversation hearts with chopsticks as fast as they could. The kids had lots of fun with this game!

Then they tried throwing their hearts into a can. They loved this game and played over and over! They picked up all the hearts from the floor and started playing again and again.

We had a great party!

Monday, February 13, 2012

100 Days of School

Philip recently had his 100th day of school at Frazer. They have been counting down the days since school started back in August. They had a fun day at school planned, starting with dressing up like they were 100 years old.
Philip's class.

Sweet friends

They had lots of fun activities during the day.

They made a trail mix with 100 items, and had a pizza party for lunch!

Philip and his friend Anne Rollins - they have been in the same class since they were babies!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

WSFA Field Trip

Philip's class went to one of our local TV stations for a field trip recently. It happened to be on a Friday that Philip had Chester the class pet. So, Chester tagged along for the field trip.
The class was learning about weather, so most of the field trip was spent in the weather area. All the kids got to stand in front of the green screen and see themselves on television! Their school shirts just happen to be green, so they all looked invisible except for their heads and arms!

The kids had a great time and we learned alot! We even met a few local celebrities!