Saturday, August 22, 2009

3 Year Stats

We went for Philip's 3 Year Old Well Check-Up earlier this week. He weighs 31 pounds, and is 34 inches tall. He did not make a sound when they pricked his finger, and Dr. Trumbull said he was an excellent patient. Luckily there were no shots this visit!

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Philip's 3rd Birthday

Philip turned three today. I can hardly believe it.

It seems like just yesterday that he was born. But I also can't remember what it was like without him. I am constantly amazed by his imagination, energy, and his own little sense of humor. His smile and laugh are contagious, and I can't wait to hear all the things that come out of his mouth.

We took brownies to his school today, they sang to him, and he got to wear a birthday crown. Tonight when I was putting him to bed, I thought we would talk about all the fun things we did for his birthday. Instead, he wanted to talk about smoke detectors, lights, and vents. So, that's what we did. And he seemed just as excited about smoke detectors as he was about cake.

Happy Birthday Philip!!

Monday, August 03, 2009

Birthday Gifts

After Philip's party, we dried off and opened some birthday gifts.

Philip was so excited to see all the gifts, and said "This is wonderful!"

"I'm a PC" shirt straight from Uncle Rob at Microsoft.

Philip also entertained us by reading his cards to us. He made up whole stories and pointed to the words that he was reading. All of the cards said "I enjoyed the party."

Checking out some new trucks and cars,


And Handy Manny tools.

He got a bike helmet.....

To go with his first bike!

Climbing up was a little tricky.

He's still a little short for it - wonder where he gets that from?

But I'm sure he'll grow into it soon.

What a fun day!

Philip's 3rd Birthday Party

Philip's 3rd Birthday was held over the weekend at our house.

This waterslide was the main attraction!

We had plenty of other water toys to cool off in the August heat! We had a scare that it might rain, but the morning turned out beautiful!

We had several of Philip's friends over to celebrate.

Everyone quickly hit the water.

And the drinks to cool off.

The slip and slide was a little tricky for Philip and his friends...

No one could slide without a big push.

After some hard playing, Dad grilled some hot dogs for lunch.

They were quickly gobbled up by the kids and the parents.

Then it was time for some cake!

As Philip had requested, there was fire on his cake.

We sang and blew out the candles.

Waiting on the cake!!

This was the only time the kids stopped moving during the party!

Yummy! I think Philip has talked about his birthday cake for weeks now. He was so excited to finally have some!

Wrinkled cake hands. What a party!

Philip had a wonderful day. We are lucky to have sweet friends and neighbors to celebrate Philip's birthday with us. Philip asked several times during the day "Am I three now?" We tried to explain that his real birthday would be on Tuesday, and that we were just having his party over the weekend. So, he would not be three until Tuesday. His response - "But I had my cake" Apparently, in a three year old's mind, the cake signifies the birthday. Logical, right?

Sunday, August 02, 2009

Johnson City Childrens Museum

We went to a childrens museum in Johnson City during a visit with Nana and Granddad.

Here's Philip flying a space shuttle,

and driving a car.

Dad came up with this idea - and showed Philip what to do..

To make his face and hands.

Then Mom had to try.

There was so much to see and do!

This is Philip working the drive through window in the bank.

He also flew a helicopter...

But his favorite part was shopping in the grocery store.

He needed to buy lots of groceries.

And most importantly, some ice cream!