Friday, July 27, 2007

Philip Playing

Here are just a few pictures of Philip. As we are quickly approaching his first birthday, he grows and changes daily. He can wave and say "Bye-bye". He LOVES to throw his toys down and then say "Uh-oh".

Books and cars seem to be the favorite toys, but Philip would much rather play with the remotes, our laptop, or anything else he can get his hands on that belongs to Mommy and Daddy. Pulling all the clothes from our drawers is lots of fun!
He is full of curiosity, always looking at everything, and is so much fun to watch.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Trip to Charleston

After 2 earlier failed attempts with Philip and large bodies of water, something clicked on our trip to Charleston. He loved the beach and the water!!

Here's Philip with Amy and Kate.

We were both sad to leave.