Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Feeding the Ducks

The boys went to feed the ducks with Daddy a couple of Saturdays ago.

Thursday, September 22, 2011


Philip's Kindergarten class has a "class pet" which is a stuffed bunny named Chester.

The kids take turns taking him home for the weekend. Chester has a journal, and he writes all about his weekends.

On Monday, the teacher reads the journal to all the kids so they know what Chester has been up to over the weekend.

Chester went everywhere with us this past weekend, and he even had his own seat at the breakfast table. He went with Philip to get a haircut, watched Philip's soccer game, and went to see The Lion King in 3D with us.

Ben tried his hardest to get his hands on Chester all weekend. Philip was very protective and would not let Ben touch him.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Philip's Birthday Chapel

Philip had his birthday at school a couple of weeks ago. Since he has a summer birthday, he gets to celebrate at school during September.

The kids go up on stage in chapel on Friday mornings if they have had a birthday during the week.

They get to say their name and how old they are in the microphone.

Ben and I went to watch Philip during chapel.

Ben loved the songs and had a great time clapping!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Ben's First Haircut

Ben had his first haircut a couple of weeks ago.

He was getting a little shaggy, so he tagged along for Mommy's hair appointment.

We just trimmed his hair up a little.

It didn't seem to bother him a bit.

And we can see his sweet eyes again!

Sweet boy.