Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Ben - 2 Month Stats

Ben had his 2 month check-up yesterday. He weighs 13 pounds and 7 ounces, and he is 22 1/4 inches tall. Dr. Trumbull gave him a clean bill of health!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Philip - 4 Year Old Stats

Philip had his 4 year old check up earlier this month. He weighed 34 pounds and 4 ounces, and he was 38 inches tall. Dr. Trumbull gave him a clean bill of health! We had to suffer through 2 shots this visit - not very much fun for Philip or Mom.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Philip's First Day of 4K

Philip started 4 year old kindergarten today!

He was very excited!

Here he is with his new teacher - Mrs. Daughtry. Philip's Uncle Rob was taught by Mrs Daughtry when he was 4.

Ready to color at his seat.

Philip and his friend Anne Rollins. They have been in the same class since they were babies!

Monday, August 09, 2010

Philip's 4th Birthday Party

We had Philip's birthday party at Pump It Up this year.

It's a big room full of inflatables.

The giant slide is Philip's favorite!

Dad (and even Mom) got in on the fun too!

Group shot of all the kids at the end of the party!

After playing, we headed to the party room for some cake!

This special chair is for the birthday boy!

Our big 4 year old!

Enjoying his cake - we had a wonderful party!

Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Now We Are Four...

Philip turned 4 today.

I blinked and my baby turned into a big, silly 4 year old.

We took him out for a birthday dinner followed by an ice cream sundae.

I think he enjoyed it!