Sunday, March 30, 2008

Philip and the Cat

This is Philip and my parents' neighbor's cat.

Philip LOVES this cat.
He always tries to put his head on the cat to "hug" it.

Sometimes the cat allows this to happen...

Sometimes the cat runs away just in time.

Monday, March 24, 2008

More Easter Pictures

Dad and Philip before church.

No time for pictures - Philip's outside!

Philip and Mommy

Chasing bubbles!

Another Easter gift from my parents.
It's Rocket from the Little Einsteins!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter Bunny Visit

The Easter Bunny came to visit Philip!

He loved his new crayons and plates!

He got an Elmo coloring book.

The Easter Eggs had candy inside!

He loved the chocolate.
Back to coloring.

Philip also had some gifts from Nana and Granddad.
Some new books, a chocolate bunny, and The Runaway Bunny!

Easter Egg Hunt

We went to the Easter Eggstravaganza at church yesterday. Here's Philip and Daddy watching the puppet show.
There also had a fun bounce house to play in with animals to climb on.
Philip's favorite was this alligator.

Philip also hunted Easter eggs - here's a big one that he found!

Philip really liked the balloons much better than the eggs.
The Easter Bunny also made an appearance before his busiest day of the year!
Philip liked to touch his soft ears.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Helping Daddy Rake

Dad, I'll rake for you!

Raking is fun!
I can lift the rake high in the air.
Okay - I'm done now. Time to play.

Are these ants, Dad?

Where should I put this rake?

I'll just leave it here. Dad will get it later.


Philip has been trying out his sunglasses to get ready for summer and the beach. He thinks they are cool like Mommy's.
He doesn't know you aren't supposed to wear them in the house yet.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Pancakes & Blueberries

We had breakfast for dinner tonight - Pancakes, eggs, bacon. Oh, and blueberries - note Philip's blue mouth and hands.

After several weeks of minimal interest in eating - Philip cleaned his plate and wanted seconds, and then thirds! The blueberries seemed to disappear as soon as they hit his plate.