Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Philip's 1st Haircut

Philip had his first haircut today. Here is the before shot with his curls .

We're ready to start!

He had a big cookie to distract him from what was actually going on, and he actually sat still the entire time!

Here he is at home coloring after the haircut.

Happy (Late) Valentine's Day

We are way behind with the Valentine's pictures! Philip and Daddy gave Mommy some roses. Philip enjoyed them more than anyone!

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

18 Month Check Up

Today was Philip's 18 month check-up. He weighs 23 pounds and 13 ounces, and is 31 1/4 inches tall.

Monday, February 04, 2008

Birthday Party!!

Philip was invited to a birthday party this past weekend at the carousel at our Mall. He got to color a picture when we arrived.

Philip also got to wear a crown for the party, which he surprisingly left on for the entire party.

Daddy rode first with Philip. At first, Philip wanted to stand up and get off the horse. Once the ride started, he sat down and was very excited!

Mommy had a turn on the carousel with Philip.

Philip was very still and serious while on the horse. Although I did hear him say "Whee!" a few times!

After the ride ended, Philip looked at the horse and said "Again!"

We had a snack of chips and juice in between rides.

We had some yummy birthday cake, and Philip practiced his new skills with a fork.

Mmmm - Icing is so Good!!