Monday, August 27, 2007

Philip's first kiss

Here's a video of Philip from his First Birthday party on August 4. This is Philip and his friend, Grace.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

1 Year Checkup

Yesterday was Philip's 1 year checkup. He weighs 20 pounds and 4 ounces, and he is 28 inches tall. Before we left the waiting room to go back to the exam room, he looked at the people in the waiting room, waved his hand and said "Bye bye!" I don't think he realized we were on our way to get 2 shots.

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Philip's 1st Birthday

Yesterday was Philip's 1st birthday. I cannot believe we have had him for an entire year. Everyday with him is new and exciting, and I can't remember what life was like without him.

Philip's Birthday Gifts

Philip got tons of gifts. He really enjoyed the bows and paper.

Philip's 1st Birthday Cake

Here's the cake for the guests at Philip's party.

Here's Philip's own little cake!
He was a little slow with the cake at first.

Then both hands went in and he was hooked!