Today, it snowed throughout central Alabama, an event that occurs once every 5 years or so. This was Philip's first snow experience. He went from window to window to check it out. If it sticks, we may go out and play in it later today.
Here are some recent videos of Philip. YouTube has been temperamental lately, and it's been difficult to upload. Anyway, onto the fun...
This is a video of Philip playing hide and seek with Anna, Uncle Mark, and me. He always wins.
Over the past few weeks, Philip has had some respiratory difficulties, including a bout with RSV. He has had to blow his nose quite a bit. He even does it on command.
Philip is a picky eater. But he really loves spaghetti. He likes to eat it and wear it.
To start off the day right, Philip is enjoying some chocolate that Santa left in his stocking. He was a little unsure about the presents - I don't think he quite made the connection that those wrapped boxes turned into toys.
He did like that the paper had Thomas and the other trains on it. He pointed and said "train".
Philip couldn't wait to get the new toys out of their boxes - here he is helping Mommy get the Noah's Ark out. Here is the Noah's Ark finally out of the box. Philip really only liked to dump all the animals out and put them back in one by one. The tree inside of the house was also a big hit with Philip. Once the tree went up, he was constantly concerned about it. Whenever he went in the den he would immediately point and say "Tree". If we were in the kitchen, he would say "Tree?" and go to the den to make sure it was still there.
We went to my parents house for lunch and to open more gifts with them. Santa even left Philip a stocking there! Philip still loves books and especially likes to turn the pages himself. This gift was probably the hit of the day. He loves cats and dogs - this cat purrs, meows, and moves its head. Later that night as Nathan was putting Philip in the bed, he looked up and said "Toys? Toys? Cat?" He has been asking for toys every night as he goes to bed since Christmas.
He was a little more interested in pulling the paper as the day went on. My parents have this Santa at their house and Philip loves it. At first he was a little scared and wouldn't go near it without someone right beside him. It didn't take long before he was running toward it everytime we went to their house! We had a wonderful Christmas this year, and look forward to the next one with Philip!!